Winner, New Mexico–Arizona Book Award
Winner, Seven Sisters Book Award

This illustrated book of poetry chronicles the author’s 500-mile solo pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Daily poetic reflections and meditations recount the joys, physical challenges, and humor of the long-distance walk and explore the larger metaphor of the spiritual journey. Each page celebrates the unfolding blessings that come from carrying only what is needed and from learning to recognize the abundance of grace in ordinary life. A beautiful and inspiring daily spiritual companion for those contemplating or returning from pilgrimage, as well as for those interested in the journey of the human soul.
Published 2014, 102 pages. Available in paperback and ebook. Review
★★★★ “A poetic journey on the Camino del Santiago in Spain. Very well done.”
Google Books Reviews
“I have read about 8-10 books on the Camino de Santiago, and Sarah’s book is the best! . . . I will keep in mind her style while journaling my own Camino experiences, physical and spiritual.”
“Reading Sarah’s book is like walking alongside of her on the camino, in a quiet, thoughtful mindspace . . . in an awareness of where you are and why you are there. . . . I am reading in preparation for my second journey. Buen camino, Sarah!”
Emails from Readers
“Captures, so very well, the spirit of the Camino.”
“A beautiful, reflectively poetic account of her pilgrimage day by day. Through her meditations and evocative photographs, she reveals how her journey mirrors her spiritual awakening.”
“I was moved by the community of peregrinos on the trail, the joy and fellowship at each albergue, making friends from across the globe, languages, hiking in solitude, getting lost, the flora and fauna, dramatic weather, days of quiet reflection, sore feet, history and epiphany. Many deep emotions to embrace on a truly spiritual journey. Congratulations on this comprehensive and intimate work.”
“The design of the book is just perfect—a feast for the eyes.”
“From the first page to the last, I felt as if I was on the journey with you. Thanks for a touching and inspiring account of your experiences on the road.”
“I know that this journey will be with you for the rest of your life and I am so grateful you were able to put it into book form so that we all were able to experience your walk.”
“From the very first page I was entranced with your poetry and photos. I savored your book by only reading a page or two a day and using it as a daily meditation. There were many times when the message on a particular page was exactly what I needed to hear at that exact point in time. Thank you so much for writing this beautiful book. I will treasure it always.”